Thursday, June 14, 2012

So I'm here.  It's 3:30 on Thursday, and life is quiet.  I had an awful time getting my computer to work. It still had an administrative password and wouldn't let me go anywhere.  The resident tekkie made the necessary changes, and, as you reading this can see, it's working for me.  I accidentally left the lemon bars in a plastic ziplock bag in the car in the sun, and they melted, but other than that, everything's okay.  I'm on the third storey of Burlingham Hall in a small, small bedroom, probably 8 feet wide, but it'll do for 10 days.  Everybody has been very helpful.  An intern named Kelly Chastain (a name I vaguely remember from somewhere) helped me carry up all my stuff, then I went off to get a student ID photo--it turned out the way those photos always do.  I need to sign off now and check the schedule.  I don't want to miss the trip to the grocery store this PM.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dad--what's your email? Mom gave me one but it isn't working.
